Our Best Advice for 2024 - Make This Your Best Year Ever!

The holiday hustle and bustle is in full swing and the promise of a beautiful season of celebrating is approaching!! Call us eager, but our team actually likes to start looking ahead at this time of year, into 2024. We’ve been working on crafting a clear vision and mission for the next year, as well as planning goals for our company. These are sales, development and strategic goals that will help our team continue to produce amazing work for our clients, while streamlining our processes and offerings to create the best experience we can for our clients. A few of our team members also took some time to put together our best advice for you for 2024. We’re thrilled to share our insights to help you shape a successful and transformative year ahead.



1 - Let Your Passion Lead You - When you find a vocation, career or business idea that lights you up, it’s easy to show up each day to work, even when things get tough. When I fell in love with design, websites and digital marketing over 15 (dating myself!!) years ago, I went full steam ahead and I have never looked back. Has the journey been easy and free of roadblocks? Heck no! Do I wish I had chosen something else, absolutely not, I LOVE what I do every day, the people I meet, the stories I learn about and the lives that our work changes. I know deep down, that it is my purpose in life to help businesses and organizations tell their story to the world and make an impact. If you stay laser-focused on your passion, the rest will follow.

2 - Stop Waiting for the Right Time - It will never be the right time, so take that leap! Start that new business, introduce that new income stream or start that training program you’ve been looking at for a while. I find the human brain so fascinating, especially its relentless commitment to ensuring our safety, even if it means dissuading us from pursuing the next step toward our goals. Sometimes you have to just turn off that inner dialogue and create a new story, with a little mix of bravery and a ton of determination in order to reach that goal.

3 - Take Care of Your Mind, Body & Soul - If you want to perform at the top of your game, you need to keep yourself in amazing shape both physically and mentally. Take that walk, lift those weights, eat those greens, but also take time to nurture and learn about how to best support your mental health. I love to paint and draw, listen to music, dance, meditate, exercise and spend time with people who feel like sunshine to nurture my mental wellness. But what works for me may not work for you, everyone is unique, so explore different ideas to find the right mix for your body and mind.

4 - Get on the AI Train - If you haven’t taken the time to learn about all the AI tools out there, the time is now. The amount of new apps being released each month/week/day is almost overwhelming (even for our team of seasoned marketers). If you take a few hours each week to explore what’s being built and offered, you might just be amazed, and you might just streamline a task that took hours! We will be curating a blog about the AI tools we love for our business, so stay tuned for more details in the New Year!



Facts vs. Stories

Work on training yourself to separate “facts” from “stories” this could be in personal relationships or in marketing. It’s easy to get caught in the grass-is-always-greener mentality, especially around the holidays. When everyone is doing x, y, z, and “seems” to be successful, and you’re left feeling like if you don’t jump on the wagon, you’ll be left in the dust and ultimately fail. When the facts are - that you are doing a,b and c because x, y, z actually aren’t aligned with your brand goals or audiences.

Surround yourself with Challenge

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting to go seek trouble, drama and toxicity. In fact, actively avoid those as much as possible, you won’t find any fufiilment there. When I say challenge, I mean:

Mentors and friends who hold you accountable and push you further in your career, goals and skills

Opportunities you don’t *QUITE* feel ready for yet. This isn’t a fake-it-till-you-make-it post, but a research-ask-questions-and-just-do-the-dang-thing.

Experiences that are out of your comfort zone - do you hate being bad at things? Can you challenge yourself to sit in that discomfort and find a new passion?

Keep it real and ask - what needs you?

When juggling responsibilities, deadlines, clients, family, emergencies, and everything else a great nugget of advice I was given by (no surprise, Ashleigh) was determining the things that REQUIRE *YOU*. What needs your specific attention, and what can be given or delegated?

Another great metaphor here is juggling glass vs. plastic balls. Plastic bounces; glass does not. Identifying these, in addition to what requires your magic touch, can help make that priority list a little bit clearer. It’s worth understanding that this will be different for everyone - and your urgencies may not be what the rest of your family, team or leader sees. Keep communication channels open and don’t let yourself stay stuck in the weeds.



To embrace the rhythm of life in the New Year here are some guiding lights for the soul.

1- Release the grip of rigid plans and invite spontaneity to dance into your everyday.

2 - Flow intimately through your challenges with a mindset centred on the delicate nuances of your adaptability, discovering opportunities for your growth in every twist and turn.

3 - Cultivate a harmonious balance between your innermost ambitions and mindful presence, ensuring that as you pursue your goals, you stay attuned to the profound beauty woven into your true uniqueness.

Life's journey can pull us in endless directions; ensure to cherish the destination that resonates within your heart



1 - Focus on what inspires you and search for people who compliment and share your passion. At the end of the day we are only human and we can't do everything right

2 - Know when to step back. If you have created a strong team trust in their skills to manage the aspects you can't. Businesses grow when power is spread across their team.

3 - Embrace balance. It's easy to forget that ineffective leadership starts with poor mental health.



1 - Experience life in all possible ways, awaken your intuitive mind and let it guide you in the right direction.

2- Become comfortable with change because this is the only way to grow.

3 - Share your knowledge with others, it goes around and comes around. Know that there is room in this world for all us to attain success.

4 - Celebrate every tiny victory and keep going.



If I have one piece of advice for 2024, it’s ‘Be Human’.

Does an app smile when you open it? Does an algorithm do a happy dance when it sees you succeed? Digital tools have opened up new worlds of possibility, and it’s giving us humans a wonderful opportunity to embrace our greatest gift: empathy.

As a copywriter, I’m fascinated by your company. I’d like to learn more about your products or services, the needs they fill and how each one came to be. I’d love to hear how you got your start and what inspires you. Most importantly, I’d like to discover your goals for the future - and how we can help you achieve them.

And, when you reach your goals, I want to do a happy dance.


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