A Culture of Space & Grace

“Listen, you’re doing amazing, and you’re working so hard! Remember to take a break, give yourself space, and if we can’t check that to-do off in time, it’s okay. It will be ready when it is ready. Take some space, and we will get it done.”

This was an actual quote from a team huddle while we were in the thick of a HUGE launch a few weeks ago, and it was the moment we knew we were doing something right in our agency. 

Creating a culture of space & grace. 

A culture where we are allowed to go slow, trust the creative process, and where we are allowed to set our boundaries to create the most amazing results for each one of our clients. 

Don’t get us wrong - we work hard and break ceilings for our clients, but we do it in a way that allows us to thrive as a team of creatives. 

We ditch the whole “hustle and bustle” and work from a place full of creative freedom. One where we can explore our ideas and share them with the world. One where we take the inspiration from a single, powerful vision and we turn it into something gorgeous. 

And when we feel the plate filling up faster than the ideas can leave our minds and fingertips, we show up for one another. 

If a project is behind, we don’t lose our cool. We take a moment and look at where we’re feeling stuck. And guess what we do next? We ask where we can support one another to move the project forward. 

We put our creative minds together and share a fresh perspective. We turn the idea upside down and shake it. And we find the magic that was hiding all along. 

This is the stuff dream teams are made of.

We share this because we want to show off what works for our business in hopes that it inspires you to find space and grace in your business. 

In a world that is calling us to go faster, work harder, and do moreeee, we’d like to remind you that sometimes the magic is hiding in that space, and we hope that you give yourself enough grace to take the time to find it. 




Big Heart x High River Food for Thought